Beautiful Foggy Morning

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read711 views

I awoke to a beautiful foggy morning and even though it was quite cold outside, I  grabbed my camera and headed out to capture the moment before it became just a memory.

Morning Fog (view from the front yard).
Morning Fog (view from the front yard).

In the backyard on a large and bare Mulberry Tree, sat a lone bird.

Single Bird on Tree.
Single Bird on Tree.

A couple of hours later, the sun rose and everything was renewed.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

Wishing you a wonderful day as you keep warm and stay busy.

A Cold Winter

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read487 views

It’s been very cold lately in the High Desert and we are spending time enjoying the company of one another.

A couple of weeks ago, we woke up to a freezing morning fog.

Morning Fog.
Morning Fog (view from the backyard).

A few days later I noticed the formation of thick clouds over the mountains, which rapidly turned into snow. It’s a breathtaking sight from my backyard.

Thick Clouds/Snowy Mountains.
Thick Clouds/Snowy Mountains.

I have enjoyed watching Hummingbirds feed from my kitchen window.

Hummingbird Feeding.
Hummingbird Feeding.

Finally, Snow began falling tonight. It’s been a year or two since the last Snowfall. This one comes as our end of year present from Mother Nature.

Snowfall (somewhere in my backyard).
Snowfall (somewhere in my backyard).

Happy Holidays and Stay Warm this Winter!

A Box of Surprises

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read511 views

Since I moved to the High Desert of California, I have been amazed by what I have crowned “celebrating forward.” You know, celebrating seasons months in advance (or all year round) especially when the event is not here yet.

This year is no different as I saw Christmas lights and decorations up while driving around today. I loved it. It lifts us up with anticipation and awakens in us the spirit of gratitude and love. We are grateful and excited to celebrate Christmas with Family and Friends. Here at my house we are holding off on putting up the Christmas tree and decorations until the second week of December.

This afternoon my husband found a surprise in the mail box. The package, full of Christmas supplies, was from one of our wonderful neighbors. It had everything from colorful gift wraps, a Dream Catcher ornament, calendars, Christmas cards (with over a hundred different designs of unique cards) and a stocking.

The simple, yet beautiful Native American Indian Christmas Holiday Stocking is made of felt with a Southwestern feel.

SouthWestern Stocking.
Southwestern Christmas Stocking.

Assorted gift wrapping papers and Dream Catcher with Holly ornament.

Christmas Gift Wraps.
Christmas Gift Wraps and Dream Catcher Ornament.

I am grateful for the little things which have great effect on the mind.

Love is the only true Gift that keeps on giving.

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving week.