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Downtown Pomona Finds

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read910 views

After picking up my Son from school this afternoon, we drove straight to Downtown Pomona, which is one of our favorite places to shop for Vintage and Antique pieces. After shopping and prior to leaving, my kids asked to play around the water fountains. We spent more time around the Mosaic Goddess and while they were busy running around, I admired the great work of art of Millard Sheets. You can read about the painter here.

Mosaic Goddess Over a Fountain.
Millard Sheets, Mosaic Goddess Over a Fountain.
Pomona Downtown Mall, 1962.

Like with any other visit, we started by visiting one of our favorite shops, the Pomona Antique Mart. My children love this shop because of its three levels and going up and down on the stairs is always a thrill for them and a chore for us. We left the shop with two items we found at the basement. The first item is a Shabby Chic/Cottage Chic Stool with Wrought Iron Legs and the second is a Gulf Shrimp Nautical Sign.

Shabby Chic/Cottage Chic Stool with Wrought Iron Legs.
Shabby Chic/Cottage Chic Stool with Wrought Iron Legs.

I love the beautiful little stool. I will reupholster in new fabric down the road once I find one that I like.

Gulf Shrimp Nautical Sign.
Gulf Shrimp Nautical Sign.

Sadly for us, Cheryl’s Antiques was closed for the day along with a few other shops. We visited Olde Towne Pomona Antique Mall, where my husband bought a few Vintage Micro Machines and a Vintage Wooden Suitcase with Plastic Handle (possibly a tool box or a filer).

Vintage Micro Machines.
Vintage Micro Machines.
Vintage Wooden Suitcase with Plastic Handle.
Vintage Wooden Suitcase with Plastic Handle.

Happy Treasure Hunting!

Moment of Clarity

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read462 views

I awoke this morning for the first time (in what seems to be a very long time) feeling light.
After dropping my son to school and returned home to a daughter and husband still asleep, I decided to go to the backyard, check on my plants and have a moment. I didn’t try to understand or analyze the dream I had last night. I was free. I was set free. I felt free. I could feel the positive energy radiate around and within me.

At some point I felt like I was being watched. As I turned around, I saw a White Homing Pigeon or Dove perhaps staring back at me. The bird was on top of the roof of the backyard workshop and garage. For the next twenty minutes, I took pictures and a video. The bird stood still watching me watching it. I went back in, got my daughter ready for the day, called my Mom and went back out to find the bird on the same spot. As I began sharing my dream with my Mom and got towards the middle, I saw the bird coming towards me and then flying away.

White Homing Pigeon/Dove on the roof.
White Homing Pigeon/Dove on the roof.

I am so grateful for all the information I absorbed these past days and for the knowledge I acquired in the process. In the midst of uncertainty and chaos, I was blessed with a moment of clarity.

“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” – Vincent van Gogh

Moss Art & Sculpture

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.6K views

Green. Such a vibrant color which makes most things beautiful and gives a sense of Hope. I love this color.

According to Empower Yourself with Color Psychology, green is the color of balance and harmony, creating equilibrium between the head and the heart. Green is also the color of growth, the color of spring, of renewal and rebirth. It is an emotionally positive color, giving us the ability to love and nurture ourselves and others unconditionally. The color green is also associated with jealousy and envy.

What is it about Moss that makes it so appealing? It adds simplicity and charm to the area it’s growing on.
When I was five and a half years old, we moved to a one acre property surrounded mostly by tall trees. There was a forest right next to our house and I enjoyed watching all the “green” growing heavily on the tree trunks. At one point I convinced myself that it was an enchanted Forest.  Each time I see Moss, I get reminded of that Forest.

Imagine waking up every single day to a gorgeous low maintenance evergreen lawn that requires no mowing, no fertilizers, no pesticides, little to no weeding and less watering once established. How about waking up to a beautiful sight within your backyard? Moss will do the trick and tolerates drought longer than grass.

Sculptures from The Lost Gardens of Heligan

Grey Lady by Susan & Pete Hill. Lost Gardens of Heligan.
The Dreaming Girl by Susan & Pete Hill. Lost Gardens of Heligan.
The Giant's Head by Susan & Pete Hill. Lost Gardens of Heligan.
The Giant’s Head by Susan & Pete Hill. Lost Gardens of Heligan.
Mud Maid by Susan & Pete Hill. Lost Gardens of Heligan.
Mud Maid by Susan & Pete Hill. Lost Gardens of Heligan.

What about the Moss Couch below? I find it quite charming and what a great idea! It will look awesome in my backyard. Click here for a step by step tutorial on Moss covered chair for your garden.

Moss Couch, Memphis Botanic Garden.
Moss Couch, Memphis Botanic Garden (My Big Backyard).
Bruno's Art & Sculpture Garden.
Bruno’s Art & Sculpture Garden.
Abandoned Car covered in Moss. Image Credit: Fine Art America.
Abandoned Car covered in Moss.
Image Credit: Fine Art America.

Six years ago when I first saw the pictures above, I knew it would be a wonderful idea to create one of those sculptures in the backyard. We quickly realized that we didn’t have enough shady areas at the back and this fact alone made it difficult to grow Moss around here. It was quite a disappointment to say the least.

Growing Moss in the High Desert is possible provided a shaded area. Maintaining it however, might be challenging and time consuming as we have hot, dry and humid weather in the High Desert. Not only must one plant Moss in shady areas, but the soil must constantly be kept moist (which will increase water bill costs).

Click here to learn about growing Moss.

Giving to Heal & Comfort

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read452 views

While beautiful, the month of September has been quite rough with tension rising and emotions running wild. Somethings have been out of place and we are working hard at getting them right back on track. Hopefully the month will end just as beautifully has it started and we will all move forward to better things.

I learned just a few days ago of the death of a friend’s Mother. I would have received it sooner had I reminded my Middle and High School mates of my change of e-mail address. I am so thankful at how swiftly some of us react when it comes to assisting one another in times of need. A team on site with the collaboration of those of us who can’t be there, is getting everything ready to physically, emotionally and financially support the grieving family as they deal with their loss. I love giving and I am honored to be part of such a positive group.

Image Source: Trans4Mind.com.
Image Source: JustMotivated.com.

Why should you give? For one it’s the right thing to do and it doesn’t cost you much. Give because it will make a difference and because giving is the start of a positive chain of action. What can you give?

  • Your Money. There are so many good charities out there in need of financial support.
  • Your Time. Donate your time to the less fortunate, offer to help feed the needy, help rebuild a home, be there for someone in need. Make a difference by volunteering.
  • Your Material. Donate things you no longer need as long as they’ve been gently used and non-perishable.
  • Yourself. Donate blood (American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, Blood Banker). Donate your hair to provide hair replacements/wigs for people who have lost their hair from cancer due to chemotherapy (Locks of Love, Pantene Beautiful Lengths, Wigs for Kids, Children with Hair Loss). Think about the possibilities of becoming an organ donor.

“That’s what I consider true generosity. You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.” ― Simone De Beauvoir

Clinging to Uncertainty

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read461 views

The past couple of weeks have been mentally draining as I learned of families being divided over material things. Hope and expectations being let down resulting in a family feud with siblings turning against each other and causing so much headache. Is anything worth loosing a loved one? One approach in attempting to resolve a problem, is to put oneself in the other person’s shoes. Then we can move on to examine our conscience to see if we somehow contributed to the problem. Going this route will allow both parties to calm down and think; thus, changing the cause of their initial state of mind. Always stop and think.
What causes rifts and what are some repercussions when holding on to grudges?

Trust and Betrayal. It is said that there is a thin line between love and hate and the same applies here.

The Scorpion and the Frog (Aesop’s Fables)

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp “Why?” Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…” Then they both disappeared under the water.

This fable is about, generosity, trust and betrayal and it teaches us that our true nature/character always comes out no matter what we say and how convincing we are of the contrary. Some people can change with consistent effort. But for the most part, we cannot change who we truly are. This doesn’t mean we should stop helping others; rather, we know ourselves better (strengths, weaknesses, limits) and learn about the individuals seeking our help. When in doubt, politely say no rather than putting yourself in harm’s way.

Material Things.

A sure way to be miserable all your life is to cling to material things. Yes, material things can give a sense of security, comfort, power, belonging, achievement and so much more. However, those things are superficial and can be gone in the blink of an eye. While you are busy acquiring and contemplating such possessions, you stop enjoying life and its simple pleasures. Material things should complement a good life, not be used as indicators of a good life. If your define yourself by these things, don’t let them change you.

Image Credit: Willow Tree.com.
Image Credit: Willow Tree.com.

Self-contentment and Acceptance.

“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” ― Socrates

One way to avoid clinging to uncertainty is to be content within. We can start by loving ourselves, valuing our lives and accepting the things we cannot change. The grass might be greener on the other side, but not always. We have to work hard at getting where we want to be and understand that happiness is what we create, what we make it and not something which has been predetermined. Thrive to be an open-minded, non-judgmental, knowledgeable and kind person. Seek that which makes your heart sing and embrace it.