
Rainy Days

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read384 views

Rainy days are back in the High Desert. Yesterday we woke up to a very cold morning and by the time we stepped out, there were thick cloud formation moving over the mountains and blocking the view. We had periods of rain developing early in the afternoon. Today is cold, the sky is white and it’s drizzling.

Thick Clouds formation over the mountains.
Thick clouds formation over the mountains.

Roses glistening and dripping with raindrops, what a lovely sight.

Raindrops On Roses,
Raindrops On Roses.

Some of the leaves on the Raywood Ash in my front yard have now turned a deep purple/red color and started falling. It’s always the first tree to change colors and the last to shed its leaves. The leaves on the Mulberry are almost all yellow. Soon enough we will be raking leaves.

Raywood Ash and Mulberry.
Raywood Ash and Mulberry.

We will have to keep busy indoors since this cold and soggy weather will continue through Saturday.

The Wind has Settled Down

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read505 views

What a change and what a lovely day! The winds have finally settled down, the dirt has hardened a little from the little rain we had on Monday and the thick grey clouds melted away.  There was no damages to the plants and structures; but a backyard covered with so many tumbleweeds. I didn’t mind as I was happy to see a beautiful blue sky, the mountains covered in snow and some of my late blooming perennials.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

I was so delighted to see my Mums all in bloom. They are easy to grow, low maintenance and late bloomers. I am growing mine in containers along with other Fall perennials. They have remained green for a very, very long time and just recently burst open with bright colors ranging from red to yellow. More information here.


I love Dianthus and mine seem to surprise me every day with a new color. I love the varieties.

A few Dianthus variety.

As I was walking around my Rose Garden, I saw a huge dried up stem which snapped as soon as I pulled on it to expose a tiny cream-colored larvae. According to the website (USDA Forest Service – US Department of Agriculture), adult flat headed wood borers are small to relatively large beetles with small antennae and a characteristic oval body shape and they are called metallic wood borers because they are iridescent or metallic looking underneath and sometimes on top. Larvae are white, legless grubs similar to bark beetle larvae, but the body shape is elongated, and the head area is different than bark beetle larvae. They attack stressed, dying, or dead trees and can also attack freshly cut timber before it is dried.
For more information, click here to download the PDF file.

Flat Headed Borer Larva.
Flat Headed Borer Larva.

Can you see the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug below? I wouldn’t have noticed it if it wasn’t for my husband. What a clever attempt to camouflage and blend into its surroundings.

Brown Stink Bug.
Brown Stink Bug.

Happy Gardening and discoveries in your Yards.

Fall Colors in The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read577 views

Fall, despite being the reason for the sneezing, is my best gardening season. For me, Fall is a season of new beginnings and hope renewed. For a gardener who wasn’t satisfied with a project, seeing the leaves on plants dying off and leaves on trees start to fall off is a relief. A self motivation to do better the next season.

When you’ve lived in an area for a while, you are able to ‘guess’ what time of year it is, what season, what is/might happen the following days. Because of our unpredictable weather, I often rely on familiar signs given by Nature for my gardening needs. The plants are healthy and thriving. I am focusing my attention to my Fall Shrubs and flowering Plants for their vibrant colors.

According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Zone Map, the High Desert including a few cities in the Mohave Desert area are in Sunset Zone 10. Given the fact that the High Desert consists of many cities such as Victorville, Hesperia, Adelanto, Apple Valley, Phelan, Lucerne Valley, Oak Hills, Oro Grande, Piñon Hills and others; each with its own weather forecast; It is safe to say that the hardiness zones in the High Desert are: 8B, 9A, 10 and 11 depending on the location (click here to learn more). Click here to find your Plant Hardiness Zone.

Below is a list of wonderful flowering plants for Fall which grow well in the High Desert:

Russian Sage
Nana Nandina
Heavenly Bamboo
Mexican Sage
Toad Lily
Anise Hyssop (herb)
Red Spider Lily (bulbs)
Autumn Crocus (bulbs)
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Fall Colors in The Garden.
Fall Colors in The Garden.

Keep in mind that most of these plants need some protection from the wind and always check for toxicity. That being said, we are finally riding our backyard of Nerium Oleanders as we have so much planned for the months ahead and this is one of the steps to get the yard ready. They will be gone by the end of the year. Anyone interested in the plant should contact me for additional information. I am located in the High Desert of California.

Fall is nearing and my kids are so excited about decorating the front yard. We are planning on picking up a couple of Hay bales, some large decorative Pumpkins which paired together with Matilda, our Good Witch Porch Greeter, will look entertaining. Now we have to find an area where the wind won’t mess up our displays.

Happy Gardening!

I Love Me Some Gladiolus

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read576 views

From the moment I woke up to get my Son ready for school, I knew the day would be different. The weather is amazing, the air is fresh and the atmosphere is peaceful. Cloudy like, but with clear skies. Some Rain would be nice, though I am quite content and grateful for the moment.

After dropping off my Son to school, I spent a moment in the backyard, enjoying Nature. The gladioli are flowering abundantly and beautifully. I was pleasantly surprised to discover a Brick Red Gladiolus blooming alongside the others (stunning, isn’t it?). I will be collecting seeds from Allium Drumstick, Snapdragon and Gladiolus later in the day.

Gladiolus Pink & Purple Flowers.

Gladiolus are a lovely addition to any garden with their rich, attractive, and cheerful colors. I will be adding Gladiolus ‘Charming Beauty’ and ‘Elvira’ to my collection.

Gladiolus Brick Red & Orange Salmon.
Gladiolus Brick Red & Orange Salmon Flowers.

While watering my Gladiolus in the front yard yesterday morning, a little green insect jumped out of the watering area. At first I thought it was a camel cricket or young nymph (grasshopper) until I saw it’s brown stinger. It moved and jumped so fast that I was unable to capture a clear picture. Perhaps a young Katydid?

Unknown Insect.
Unknown Insect (young Katydid?)

Happy Gardening!

My Bringer of Serenity

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read572 views

Finally, after weeks of praying, hoping and waiting; it rained this morning. It was a short moment of heavy rain. Prior to the rain, we had periods of thunderstorm and lightning which started around 5:00 AM until 7:15 AM. My daughter who was still asleep then was awoken by the sound of the rain pouring down as well as the thunder. Once it stopped raining, the sun came out and my husband took his little girl outside to look at the beautiful rainbow.

My Daughter
My Daughter looking at rain drops.

I love it when it rains and I look forward to suit up, get out of the house and smell the clean, wet dirt. Today was different. While it was raining it got hot inside and as soon as it stopped raining it got even hotter. Though the backyard looks beautiful and the plants healthy, the dirt smelled musty for the first time in years. It smelled like decaying organic matter. I checked my younger plants, moved the trash can to the street for our weekly garbage pickup and then I went in to spend some time with my darling little girl.

I am blessed beyond words for having a wonderful family and amazing children. Every single one of them lift me up and renew my Spirit with their love and generosity. From the moment we drop off my Son to school until it’s time to pick him up, I experience great moments with my little girl. We explore, we learn, we play, we watch TV, we dance, we laugh, we plan events, we cock and eat, she calls and talk to one of her favorite persons in the World, we take turns listening to each other …, and she even makes up stories just for me.

Silhouette of My Beautiful Kids.

What I love the most about my kids is that they keep me sane and joyful. They are best friends. They love and have so much respect and admiration for one another. They help each other, compromise and fight fair. They’ve somehow figured a way to give me some space when needed. Her brother though her the ABC’s and 123’s. He reads stories to her every single night before going to bed and they pray together before sleeping (whether I am present or not). Also, they remind me so much of my brother and I at that age.

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” — Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV)