DIY: Zebra Habitat

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read3.1K views

We had so much fun creating a Zebra Habitat for my daughter’s school project. Each child was given a specific animal and was asked to create a unique habitat for their animal.

Zebra Habitat.
Zebra Habitat.

Materials/Tools Needed

  • School Glue
  • Scissors
  • Synthetic Trees/branches
  • Stones
  • Craft Moss
  • Cardboard
  • Markers
  • Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
  • Box/container (we used the base of a Plastic Cake Container)
  • Desert Toy Animals (or cutouts from drawings or Magazine)

Step by Steps (for this project):

  • Figure out the placement of the Animals and Plants.
  • Generously apply school glue at the base of the cardboard, sprinkle your craft moss and let it dry. Use the Glue Gun to glue down the larger items like the Animals, Stones and Synthetic Trees/Branches.
  • For the stream, use a blue marker (for the water) to paint and then apply some glue and let it dry.
Zebra Habitat.
Zebra Habitat.
Zebra Habitat.
Zebra Habitat.

Have fun assisting your little ones with this project.

A Lovely Day in the Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read769 views

I love Lavender so much that I finally planted a couple in my front yard, right by my kitchen and bedroom windows. It’s beautiful, evergreen and it smell wonderful too. The plant attracts lacewings, bees, butterflies, ladybugs, praying mantises and hummingbirds. Lavender is known to repel mosquitoes, flies and other unwanted insects. Some common pest of Lavender plants are spittle bugs and aphids (ladybugs and praying mantises keep them in check).

Lavender 'Lavance Purple.'
Lavender ‘Lavance Purple.’
Anouk Lavender.

The horsetails are thriving in the half barrel container. I cut them back every winter and they return stronger.

Horsetail (Equisetum).
Horsetail (Equisetum Hyemale).

The Pomegranate tree has began producing flower buds and we are looking forward to lots of beautiful flowers.

Pomegranate flower buds.
Pomegranate flower buds.

The Yucca Pendula sprouts I transplanted almost three years ago are thriving on their own. I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see flower stalks emerging from the center of the rosettes. I am looking forward to seeing the fragrant ivory bell-shaped blooms. Click here to learn about Yucca Species Propagation.

Yucca Pendula Flower Stalk.
Yucca Pendula Flower Stalk.

A variety of Gaura all around my property began producing a profusion of white, bright and light pink blossoms. Gaura Lindheimeri is a plant I really enjoy having around. They are self-cleaning, self-seedling, are drought tolerant, bloom for a long time and they bounce back stronger year after year.

Gaura plants attract bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, ladybugs as well as a variety of moths. A variety of moths such as the Primrose Moth and the Hawk Moth are attracted to the plant, feeding off their nectar, serving as a means of pollination and laying their eggs on the plant. The larvae and caterpillar feed on leaves and flowers. Unfortunately this plant also attracts aphids (which get eaten by praying mantis and ladybugs). Click here to learn about using ladybugs for aphids.

Gaura Lindheimeri 'Pink Cloud.'
Gaura Lindheimeri ‘Pink Cloud.’
White-Lined Sphinx Caterpillar (Hummingbird Moth Caterpillar).
White-Lined Sphinx Caterpillar (Hummingbird Moth Caterpillar).

The Red Autumn Sage is another plant I love. It attracts hummingbirds and bees. I read somewhere that Salvia plants also attract groups of butterflies consisting of Swallowtails, Sulphers, Skippers and Brushfoots; some of which will lay their eggs on the plant.

Salvias are also self-cleaning, self-seedling, drought tolerant and bloom for a very long time (as early as spring through fall). They are very susceptible to spittlebugs (plant-feeding insects, which produces a cover of frothed-up plant sap resembling saliva). Click here to learn about controlling spittlebugs.

Salvia Greggii (Red Autumn Sage).
Salvia Greggii (Red Autumn Sage).

The Dwarf Cup flowers are in full bloom and going strong in the planter box. I found a couple of caterpillars on the plants, eating the flowers. They look like the larvae of Heliothis virescens.

Dwarf Cup Flowers.
Dwarf Cup Flowers.

I saw the beautiful female Mourning Dove as I was stepping out of the car and thought it was a figurine. The bird stood still as I took a closer look and flew away as my kids approached.

Female Mourning Dove.
Female Mourning Dove.

Ground squirrels are at it again. I watched one having fun in the front yard this afternoon from my kitchen window. The rodent was busy eating the flowers on the Gaura Lindheimeri and attempted to eat those on the Desert Bird of Paradise.

Yucca Pendula Flower Stalk.
Yucca Pendula Flower Stalk.

Happy Gardening!